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AKA Collaboration with McNabb Elementary FRC

Thu, Jun 24



In preparation for the FRC's annual lemonade stand, chapter members will read with students and join in during the lemonade stand festivities, including providing vaccinations and collecting reading glasses for the Lyon's club!

AKA Collaboration with McNabb Elementary FRC
AKA Collaboration with McNabb Elementary FRC

Time & Location

Jun 24, 2021, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Paducah, 2100 Park Ave, Paducah, KY 42001, USA

About the Event

Join us at the McNabb Elementary School parking lot for the school's lemonade stand.  In support of entrepeneurship, our chapter has partnered with the school family resource center to introduce, encourage and support the career growth of K-5 students!

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